Labels:text | receipt | number | document | font | parallel | black and white | line | screenshot OCR: JavaScript Operators at a Glance Arithmetic Operators + subtract multiply divide modulo Arithmetic Assignment Operators assign volue add and assign value == subtract and assign value multiply and assign value divide and assign value modulo and assign value Increment/Decrement Operators increment value decrement value Bitwise Logical Operators And = Or Xar - Compliment Bitwise Shift Operators shift leif sign propagating shift right zero fill shift right Bitwise Assignment Operators & And and assign value Or and assign value Xor and assign value shift left and assign value sign propagating shift right and assign value zero till shift right and assign value Comparison Operators equal to not equal to less than greater than less than or equal to greater than or equal to Figure 7: JavaScript uses standard Java operators (which are similar to C+ + operators).